This Pickleball Co-Op is about the immense value YOU receive when an organized group of PEOPLE come together for the betterment of all.
More players, more partners, more value.
YOU ARE US! Your enthusiasm, your trust, and your decisions to use this organization’s premier vendors increase the buying power for everyone. Save money, Share the story, Improve the community.
The bigger we grow the better and stronger the value for all. Honestly, if you can spend only $49.95 and receive hundreds of dollars in return in value the first month, that’s a great start, right?
Imagine receiving incredible value every two weeks, 26 times a year you will be offered a chance to save or earn thousands of dollars. This is the single greatest purchase you will ever make in pickleball.
We are searching to compensate approximately 1000 national ambassadors across America to help us get the word out on the 20,000 courts with 600 more being added each month, across the country. We want our ambassadors to share the story and introduce us to local offers to build membership value.
Think of us like a triple AAA club for pickleball. A service and partnership you cannot live without. USAPA focuses on rules, regulations, and growing the game of pickleball. The APC focuses on providing you direct consumer value in form of saving you and earning you money in pickleball. YOU ARE US!
We want to bring hundreds of local trainers and teachers more clients across the country by connecting quality, certified coaches with new clients virtually and in person. Every Coach should become an American Pickleball Co-Op member. Your students should hear of our value. Your income will increase.
We want to recognize your achievements and reward you for winning and making a difference. You will have fun in our Facebook communities sharing stories and victories with others each week.